Instructions: Cut the fruit into chunks, and place in a large glass with ice-cubes and then top up with Muratelia.
Kienyeji (which is Swahili for traditional) is a very simple cocktail favourite. It just adds a bit of fruity freshness without complicating the original drink itself. Try it!!
- Add ice 🧊
- Add 25ml passion fruit purée
- Add 50ml Bw. Chazea
- Add a tablespoon of sugar syrup
- Top with pink lemonade
Stir and serve
Wet the rim of the tumbler with lime and apple juice then coat with a mix of crushed sea salt and sugar. Add all ingredients in the order above.
Now go play 😎
50ml Bw Chazea
25ml lime juice
15ml sugar syrup
15ml passionfruit liqueur
Instructions: Add all the ingredients to a shaker with ice, and shake well. Strain into a chilled martini glass or coupe (garnish with a dehydrated lime wheel).
Sherehe in Swahili translates to celebration and rightly so with this beverage as the lime and sugar pairing works really well along with tropical flavours; which works well for any party setting!
50ml Bw Chazea
10ml lemon juice
15ml sugar syrup
100ml Muratelia
Instructions: Add Bw. Chazea, lemon juice and syrup to a shaker with ice. Shake hard and strain into a chilled flute. Top up with Muratelia!
Maridadi which is Swahili for stylish captures the elements of Bw. Chazea and Muratelia in this cocktail for an elegant evening!
Bw Chazea 50ml
Passion fruit juice 50ml
Vanilla syrup 25ml
Passoã 15ml
Fresh lime juice 20ml
Add 50ml of Bw. Chazea, 50ml of passionfruit juice, 25ml of a fresh lime juice and 15ml of Passoã into a shaker.
Shake aggressively with ice, then double strain into a chilled coupe glass.
Garnish with half a passionfruit.
Starehe is Swahili for you're welcome and will be the response you receive after serving, pairs best with red meat and kachumbari
Bw Chazea 50ml
Caramel syrup 5ml
Fresh lime juice 25ml
Sweetened condensed milk 25ml
Raspberry pure 30ml
Cloudy apple juice 50ml
Add 50ml of Chazea, 5ml of caramel syrup, 25ml of sweetened condensed milk, 25ml of fresh lime juice, 30ml of raspberry pure and 50ml of apple juice into a shaker.
Shake aggressively with ice.
Strain into the highball glass full of ice.
Garnish with a three raspberries and serve with a straw.
Jumamosi which is Swahili for Saturday, sets the time and mood for this cocktail. Whether you have guests at home or out for the night this will keep your night lit!
Bw Chazea 50ml
Fresh lemon juice 25ml
Soda water 100ml
Elderflower syrup 25ml
Add 50ml of Bw. Chazea, 25ml of a fresh lime juice and 25ml of elderflower into a rocks glass.
Add ice, stir then top up with soda water.
Garnish with half a mint sprig and a lemon wedge. Served with a straw.
Hamsini which is Swahili for 50 and refers to the 50ml of Bw. Chazea to add however, if you do prefer a stronger mix feel free however beware as it can
Malaika Lime
50ml Bw Chazea
20ml lime juice
20ml mango purée
10ml sugar syrup
Pour into a tumbler and shake with ice.
Maliaka Lime which is Swahili for Angelic Lime. makes a strong, short drink, with very tropical flavours. Pre-made syrup is easier and also it’s a bit nicer looking because you don’t have the pulp. It can also be lengthened with lemonade or grapefruit soda - pulp doesn’t work well with carbonation.
ሙምቢ ጥፊ
20 ሚሊ ሙራቴሊያ;
40 ሚሊ ሊትር የፍራፍሬ ጭማቂ;
25 ሚሊ ሊትር ቻዚያ፣
20 ሚሊ ሊትር የስኳር ጭማቂ
የወይን ፍሬ ጭማቂን ይጨምሩ, Bw. Chazea እና ሽሮፕ ከበረዶ ጋር ወደ ረጅም ብርጭቆ. ሙራቴሊያን ይቀላቅሉ እና ይሙሉ
ይህ በትንሽ ምት (ወይም በጥፊ!) ቀዝቃዛ ኮክቴል ለመሆን ያለመ ነው። በሞቃት ቀን ወይም በተለይም በቤት ውስጥ ማገልገል ይችላሉ.
ለባልደረባዎ ወይም ለጓደኞችዎ ትንሽ ትኩረትን የሚስብ ለማድረግ አንዱ መንገድ የመስታወቱን ጠርዝ በማር መቀባት እና ዳብ በሾለ ስኳር ሪም - ወይም ሚንት ስኳር ማከል ነው። የ Mumbi ጥፊን ወደ ውስጥ ከማፍሰስዎ በፊት ያድርጉት!
Cia Hwaini
100 ሚሊ ሙራቴሊያ
15 ሚሊ የሎሚ ጭማቂ
15 ሚሊ ቀላል የስኳር ሽሮፕ
15 ሚሊ ሊትር ቻዜያ
የ Angostura መራራ ሰረዝ።
Cia Hwainĩ (ይባላል፤ ሻ Hawai-ni) የኪኩዩ ሀረግ "ለሌሊት" ነው፣ እሱም የዚህ ኮክቴል የስሜት ሁኔታ ነው።
የሎሚ ጭማቂ, ሽሮፕ, Bw ያስቀምጡ. ከበረዶ ጋር ኮክቴል ሻከር ውስጥ Chazea እና መራራ. ይንቀጠቀጡ እና ወደ ወይን ብርጭቆ ያሽጉ ፣ ሙራቴሊያን ይሙሉ። ይህ ለማገልገል የተራቀቀ አቀራረብ ነው - ዘግይቶ ምሽት እና ትንሽ መደበኛ አቀማመጥ።